What sets H&H Skincare apart from the competition is its unique selling point of having 24-hour consultation and support for its customers. 该品牌以专家建议和支持而自豪,确保客户正确有效地使用其产品,以获得理想的结果。
In addition to chatting with customers over WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook, H&H Skincare runs a 24-hour livestream on TikTok promoting its products and answering questions. 这种可及性的水平帮助企业建立了忠诚的客户群体。
In early 2022, H&H Skincare gained a lot of traction when it opened more channels for customers to communicate with it. 更多的渠道意味着更多的互动机会,这不幸地导致了公司的第一个重大问题——客户服务的瓶颈,尤其是在 WhatsApp 上。
H&H Skincare struggled to keep up with the high volume of inquiries it received daily, overwhelming the single agent it had employed to handle them. 扩大员工规模是必要的,但 WhatsApp Business 应用程序只能 同时支持最多 4 个设备和代理,显得力不从心。
为了满足需求,H&H Skincare 升级到 WhatsApp API,支持同时使用多个设备和代理。 Since WhatsApp API requires a third-party platform to send and receive messages, H&H Skincare needed to find a suitable platform.
A satisfied customer who was already using WhatsApp API connected to respond.io recommended the platform to H&H Skincare. H&H Skincare gave the customer conversation management software a shot and hasn’t looked back since.
respond.io 团队将 H&H Skincare 整合到平台,并帮助其 连接所有客户沟通渠道。 这包括 WhatsApp API、Facebook Messenger、Instagram DM 和 Google Business Messages。
当客户通过多个消息渠道联系企业时,这可能会导致 孤立的对话,因为一个渠道的聊天不会显示在另一个渠道上。 Respond.io 的 联系人合并功能 通过将客户的聊天记录和联系人信息整合到一个统一的档案中来解决这个问题。
H&H Skincare 将客户支持团队从 1 名扩展到 15 名代理,通过 respond.io 的 WhatsApp API。 现在,代理可以及时响应客户咨询,提高整体客户体验并增加客户满意度。
Respond.io's intuitive platform also made it easy for H&H Skincare to quickly onboard and train new agents. Today, H&H Skincare agents are able to efficiently handle the thousands of incoming messages they receive each day.
When H&H Skincare first used respond.io, it relied on its agents to manually tag teammates to assign them to customers. 不久之后,该企业使用respond.io的 强大自动化功能 来欢迎客户并让他们选择对话目的。
客户可以选择直接联系诊所、寻求客户支持、请求咨询或通过 WhatsApp 进行购买。 客户将根据其选择 被引导到相关团队。
通过在对话开始时使用 自动化调查,H&H Skincare 可以请求并存储客户的重要详细信息,例如肤质、状态和情况。
H&H Skincare 可以利用这些洞察创建个性化的 广播,向合适的受众推广产品和服务。
H&H Skincare 现在使用 片段 来提供客户常见问题(FAQ)的预设回复。 对于关于他们的门店、产品或在线商店的咨询,代理们可以通过几次点击进行回答,从而实现更快的响应和解决时间。
“我们真的很难处理 WhatsApp 上的对话激增,但 respond.io 提供的解决方案不仅解决了我们的初始问题。 Respond.io allowed us to scale up our sales and support teams, reply to customers on different channels from one place and speed up communication. 因此我们的销售额飙升!” — Fikri Bisyir, Co-founder of H&H Skincare
Since connecting WhatsApp API to respond.io, H&H Skincare has experienced significant improvements in customer engagement and loyalty. It sees 60% of monthly messages from returning customers and a 300% increase in daily new contacts compared to 2022.
H&H Skincare also understood the importance of ensuring timely responses to incoming messages. 该品牌将其平均首次响应时间从 8 小时缩短至 2.8 小时,仅在几个月内。
Because 75% of H&H Skincare’s sales occur online and most of its customers communicate with them over WhatsApp, the company saw a 160% increase in sales in 6 months!
通过利用 WhatsApp API 和 respond.io,该公司扩大了其影响力,获得了新客户,并改善了与现有客户的关系。