is ISO 27001 certified, demonstrating our dedication to upholding the highest standards of information security. This globally recognized certification signifies our commitment to protecting your data and ensuring its confidentiality, integrity and availability when you need it.
Operational security takes security and privacy seriously. That is why we have created the safest possible processes available to ensure that our service is stable and that there are no security gaps. The integrity of your data is ensured. meets industry standards to protect you and your data.
Cloud security is a cloud-based solution, Amazon Web Services (AWS). All stored and transferred data is encrypted. All data is safely stored and backed up on servers that follow the latest SSAE reporting standards. Systems are DDoS protected and hardened with firewalls.
SSL encryption
Respond.io的数据在发送和接收时以及静态时均被加密。 为了保护您传输中的内容,respond.io使用256位SSL/TLS加密。 在静态时,respond.io的内容使用256位AES加密保护。
Network security
Respond.io定期更新其网络架构和系统间的数据流。 防火墙规则和访问限制定期审查,以确保合适性。 我们不断提供系统改进以防止漏洞。
Backup & recovery
我们的基础设施旨在提供稳定性并最小化由于硬件故障、自然灾害或其他灾难造成的服务中断。 为了确保灾难发生时的可用性,我们在多个数据中心之间复制数据。 我们的系统每天会自动备份数据库。
Access control
管理共享控制让您决定您所在组织中的谁可以访问该平台。 添加多个角色不同的用户以允许访问,而不必共享您的私人登录信息。 在任何情况下,敏感数据都不会与respond.io及客户以外的任何人共享。